Awards Available This Year...
Artist of the Year
For Overall Music Career Transformation
Artist of the Year
Artist of the Year - 1st runner-up
Artist of the Year - 2nd runner-up
Fanbase Awards
For Hitting StreetTeam Milestones
100+ to 10k+ StreetTeam Members
100k+ StreetTeam Members
1M+ StreetTeam Members
Streaming Awards
For Hitting Streaming/View Milestones (single song)
100+ views/streams
1M+ views/streams
10M+ views/streams
Revenue Awards
For Hitting Revenue Milestones With Music
$100k+ generated with music career
$1M+ generated with music career
This competition is open to any artists who are current Modern Musician clients :)
Is it free to apply?
To apply, you will need to record a 3-5 minute video and submit your entry by 11:59PM EST on Tuesday December 19th, 2024. Click here for more details: Application & Entry.
You can find all of the submission requirements and recommendations: HERE.
YES, please! We love this opportunity to review your wins throughout the year. Even if you don't think you're going to win, this is also an amazing opportunity to reflect on your progress during the past year. You might even be surprised to realize how much progress you actually made, even if it wasn't in the areas you thought it would be!
And let's not forget... There are a bunch of awards available this year. There's a very good chance you qualify for at least one of them!
Yes! You can also watch some of the finalists from last year to gain inspiration!
In this contest, the winners will not be determined solely by who has the biggest, most successful music career - the winner will be determined based upon several factors.
Some considerations include who can best share their story of how Modern Musician has changed their life and how much of a commitment they have made to having a successful music career.
Our team will select 15 finalists, and then finalists will then be announced to the audience at MM Live 2024. The grand prize winner will be chosen by a combination of team selection & voting during MM Live on January 12th-14th 2024.
On, and even if you don't win, there's not just 1 grand prize! We’re also offering a number of other category awards: Streaming Awards, Revenue Awards & Fanbase Awards.
You should definitely apply... You just might surprise yourself!
You can find them HERE. :)
YES! After you submit, you will have the chance to put yourself in the running for additional awards, including Fanbase Awards, Streaming Awards & Revenue Awards!
© All Rights Reserved - Modern Musician
Click the button to go to the application guide... You are eligible to win an award if you have ever been one of our clients! We would love to celebrate your journey :)